It’s about having a biblical worldview. This is foundational to our struggles with diets, body issues, and the scale. Without seeing life through a biblical filter, we’ll never be free. We are doomed to bondage. I spent 40 years in that bondage. And now I’m walking in freedom–sweet freedom.
It’s about sin. Yeah, that’s right, I said it–sin! Not something we hear a lot about these days.
In Isaiah 1, we get a pretty clear picture of why God hates sin. Sin is described as “putrefying sores” that aren’t treated or bandaged. God cannot endure sin. He can’t be near it because He is holy. Sin separates me from a good and loving God.
What do we do when we sin against God and follow other gods or choose our own way rather than following God’s way?
We confess it. That’s exactly what I had to do this week. I ate when I wasn’t hungry. And that’s what I feel like God has led me to do–wait for hunger before eating. And…I ate beyond being satisfied–which is easy to do when I wasn’t hungry in the first place.
I sinned against You yesterday–You!
You are holy–and I sinned right in front of You.
You are with me always–and I treated You like I didn’t care.
I did not fear you, God. I treated You casually.
I sinned and today I feel yucky spiritually.
Please forgive me.
Please teach me to fear You, God!
I want to live in the truth of who You are and revere You.
“To the one who knows the right thing to do and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin.” James 4:17
So, let’s be clear…I didn’t make a wrong choice; I sinned.
I didn’t make a mistake; I sinned.
I didn’t eat too many points or calories; I sinned.
Until we see our issues through a biblical filter, we won’t deal with them in biblical ways.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
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Julie Noland | 7th Mar 17
So when we over eat, or eat unhealthy, we sin. Right? We aren’t taking care of the temple of God, our body. I’ve been going to weight watchers for 10 months. Now it just stresses me out counting the points!!! Lol…. when in reality I need to look at the whole over eating issue as a sin. Right?
Christine Yount Jones | 7th Mar 17
Great questions, Julie! And, believe me, I’m new at this. I think whatever God has revealed to us (go back to the 11 steps), for me to not do those, it’s sin. For me. So…God has fully convicted me not to eat unless I’m experiencing hunger. And then to stop when satisfied. So when I eat when I’m NOT hungry, for me that is sin. It’s not about what I eat but why I eat. And when I eat too much, that’s sin. Does this make sense?
Someone else asked about this for me to be more specific. So I added that to this post. Thanks, Julie!
Nora Rawls | 14th Mar 17
This spoke to my heart, and I Thank you for sharing.
Christine Yount Jones | 14th Mar 17
Nora, thank you for letting me know that. I am blessed by your friendship!