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Monthly Archives: December 2016

If We Would Only Grope for God

This photo is a macro photo of wood chipped for the pulping process. It is how we are to grope for God…examining every minute detail. I imagine a small child in the middle of the night, alone, frightened, crying out, reaching into the dark. Hoping someone will meet his…

And His Name Will Be Called…

Getting ready for Christmas is a holy act of thinking of others as we dream of seeing their sheer pleasure. It’s an act of service to ready our home and lives to celebrate this Baby. And it’s an act of worship to ready our hearts for the little…

How God Says My Name

We’ve been having work done on our house (to try to sell it!). And it’s been interesting to listen to the workers as they come in and out. Ray noticed that one crew really enjoyed each other as they joked and worked–very hard. When I told them…