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Monthly Archives: May 2017

What to Wear for Curvy Girls, Part 2

Part of the battle in recovery from diet addiction is not giving into the voices from ourselves–and the enemy–that we’re ugly, huge, hideous. That’s a spiritual battle. One practical thing that can help is to learn to dress for our body type…

What to Wear for Curvy Girls, Part 1

Ok, so we’ve looked at What Not to Wear, part 1 and part 2. Now let’s take a look at What to Wear for Curvy Girls. Like I wrote before…I’m no fashionista, but I have learned a few things about dressing for…

What Not to Wear, Part 2

I went to church a few weeks ago, wearing an outfit that made me feel, well…frumpy. Matronly. I couldn’t wait to get home and change. It reminds me of what my friend Rochelle says about how a bad outfit makes her feel grumpy. Bad outfits make…