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Christine Yount Jones

My Deliverer! This Is My God!

It’s been one of those seasons where I find myself crying out to God to deliver me…to rescue me. I’m pretty sure you’ve felt that way. Maybe you’re feeling that now. The situation never seems to get better; in fact, it gets worse. It’s…

The Power of Today

Who I will be tomorrow, three months from now, a year, 10 years…is rooted in the choices, attitudes, actions, habits, work I do TODAY! Today is all I have. And today I need God’s power that raised Jesus from the dead. I cannot do it by myself. I…

Waiting on God With a Warrior’s Heart

  “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 KJV The word for courage in this verse is Chazaq. It is a word frequently used to describe battle scenes. It’s used 12 times to describe…