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Christine Yount Jones

Through the Fog, Help Us Find You, God

I drove home through thick fog last night and I realized it was a picture of how my heart and soul and mind had been feeling this week. You see, the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church massacre happened only five days ago. And I haven’t been able to get…

The Beauty of Transformation

Want to know one of the deep secrets to freedom from diet addiction/idolatry, scale worship, weight loss obsession, and recurring gluttony? It’s not really a secret. It’s right there in Scripture. It’s just that we don’t fully grasp it–yet. “So here’s what I…

Does God’s Plan Really Work?

Does God’s plan really work? I’ve asked myself that many times. And I’ve wondered if I’m some kind of poser if it doesn’t. Weight loss is slow going with God’s plan. But peace is present every day. Let me say that again: Weight loss…