Yesterday at a church in Denver–Bridgeway–an artist painted with these words: “By my Spirit, saith the Lord.” That spoke to me and took me to Zechariah 4:6: “Not by might, not by power, but my spirit says the Lord. This mountain will be removed.”
I need God to remove this mountain.
Zechariah 4:7 “What are you, O Great mountain? Before Zerubabel, you will become a plain, and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of ‘grace, grace to it.’ ”
I love this! It’s only by God’s spirit that I will overcome my mountain. Not by trying harder or by my sheer will. True victory will be spiritual. And God will get all the credit and glory!
When the people speak “grace, grace to it,” it’s actually them crying out to God to pour out His grace on it and bless it. This continues to show dependence even after victory.
The NIV Study Bible says the mountain probably included their “willingness to persevere.” That intrigues me. I get tired of trying. I lose focus. And the cycle continues. God, please help me persevere!
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