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Category: Insights

5 Gifts Trials Give Us

  Tough times humble us. They teach us that we’re not the center of the world. That everything doesn’t go our way. That we don’t “win” all the time. But tough times also give us treasured gifts that could never come to us any other way.   The gift…

My Deliverer! This Is My God!

It’s been one of those seasons where I find myself crying out to God to deliver me…to rescue me. I’m pretty sure you’ve felt that way. Maybe you’re feeling that now. The situation never seems to get better; in fact, it gets worse. It’s…

The Power of Today

Who I will be tomorrow, three months from now, a year, 10 years…is rooted in the choices, attitudes, actions, habits, work I do TODAY! Today is all I have. And today I need God’s power that raised Jesus from the dead. I cannot do it by myself. I…