Does God’s Plan Really Work?

Does God’s plan really work? I’ve asked myself that many times. And I’ve wondered if I’m some kind of poser if it doesn’t.

Weight loss is slow going with God’s plan. But peace is present every day.

Let me say that again: Weight loss is slo-o-o-o-o-o-w going.

And I wonder: God am I doing the right thing?

The answer to the question: Does God’s plan really work? is a resounding YES!

How do I know? Because it was working while I worked it and when I stopped working it, it stopped working. (Say that three times!)

Ya, that’s right:

It was working while I worked it,

and when I stopped working it,

it stopped working!

I’ve been unfocused and unfaithful. And I’m not talking just a weekend of a few cheats. I’m talking weeks…months…of breaking almost all 11 of the steps to freedom from dieting addiction. And the result: I’ve gained 8 pounds! That’s 8 pounds, ladies and gentlemen!

Here I go spiraling down…

So what happens when I backslide? Do I run back to my loving Father’s arms in repentance and pursue His plan again?


I spiral into a quick hunt for a “better” plan. The names of the diets change but the entire world system doesn’t. The enemy’s plan is to still distract me and bind me up with the “law” and with empty promises that the world can set me free…the only One who can truly set me free is Jesus!

I know diets will never work, but I even considered paying almost $500 for a 21-day detox plan.

Stop the insanity! And just return! I hear God whisper.

So…here I am crawling back…uncomfortably heavier and desperate before God.

As God intercepted my downward spiral, I saw this tweet from @ChristineCaine:

When you digress

it’s only a matter of time until you start to regress

and nullify all your progress.

Stay focused.

Yup! I digressed, then regressed and nullified–not all, but a lot of –my progress.

Thank God that He is a merciful God!

“For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.’ But you were unwilling.” Isaiah 30:15 (ESV)

I am willing! And right now it’s all I have to give to my faithful God–I am willing!

I will not turn to the idols of this world!

I will not fall back into old patterns!

I will not bow down to the scale!

I am willing God to follow you step by step, day by day, meal by meal.

Right now…that’s all I’ve got!

If you’re reading this, I’d appreciate your prayers. And I’d like to hear about your journey and how I can pray for you! Let’s pursue God in this battle together!

About The Author

Christine Yount Jones

Author, wife, mother, grandmother, lover of God, student of the Word, fellow traveler in faith, and a broken child of God in need of His amazing grace.


  1. J D Mccain | 27th Oct 17

    I love reading your posts. Keep the faith & teaching His word.

    J D

  2. J D Mc Cain | 30th Oct 17

    It’s so refreshing to read your posts. I love them

  3. Mag | 2nd Dec 17

    Thank you for your honest sharing. I am swimming in the same sea as you, not getting any closer to shore yet, sometimes tired and wondering can I really do this. Thank you for showing me how to press on in fighting this battle with God’s help & not giving up.

    • Christine Yount Jones | 5th Dec 17

      Thank you for your encouraging words. It’s a lifetime of swimming toward the shore. And I’m still there, too. God bless you!

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