An example of this kind of thinking is when people say, “Don’t pray for patience because God will give you trying things to teach you patience.” Is that God’s will? The actions of a spoiled tyrant who was just waiting for us to ask so He could heap hardship on us?
Sometimes when I say, “God’s will,” if I’m honest, I fear that God’s will could be something I don’t want. But I am mustering up the courage to just submit to whatever His will is. As tough as it might be.
But God’s will is nothing of the kind!
In Ephesians 1, Paul says that he is an apostle by God’s will. Is this some terrible stewardship God has given Paul? I believe Paul would say otherwise.
In Ephesians 1:5, Paul writes that God predestined us to adoption according to the good pleasure of His will.
He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure.
This is my God!
The Greek word for will is Theiema. My Hebrew/Greek Study Bible (AMG Publishers) says that this is not to be conceived as a demand but rather as an expression of pleasure toward that which is liked–us.
God’s will creates pleasure and joy–FOR HIM!
God’s will is the desire of a good and loving God who adores us! God takes great pleasure and joy in doing good for us.
This is my God!
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