I Can Twang With the Best of Them

“You talk funny,” my family complains in their midwestern twang every time I go back to visit them in southern Oklahoma.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say with precise diction.

My siblings and I, having been born in Arizona, learned to speak in a way that follows established phonetic rules. Then when I turned 7, we moved to Oklahoma where people’s syllables seemed to run amok.

My brothers and sister assimilated this new language, but I somehow kept my crisp mother tongue. Now every time I protest that I do not speak funny, they list the words I say wrong, including my younger brother’s name. 

“Why can’t you say his name right?”

“I am saying it right.” 

I say it several times: Cole, Cole, Cole. 

Cull, Cull, Cull. They parrot me. 

Each time, they shake their heads in disgust.

They brand me a northerner even though I live just a couple states away to the northwest–not straight north. Doesn’t that make me a westerner? And why does it matter, anyway? They are midwesterners–not southerners! 

Then one afternoon from Colorado while trying to locate an old friend I can’t find on social media, I called the Dunn Lumber Company in my family’s town. I hoped he could give me his sister’s number.

“Is James Lance there?” I asked the woman who answered. 

“Who-o-o-o?” she asked in a voice like sweet tea.

“James Lance.” I emphasized each mono-syllable of his name.


I said it again, but louder. 

“James. James Lance.”

“Ma’am, I cannot understand a word you’re saying.” She strung out every syllable.

“Ja-imz. Ja-imz La-ince,” I drawled out. 

“Oh, no. He’s not here today.”

That day, I learned the hard way that I truly no longer speak the dialect of my clan, but I can twang with the best of them when necessary.

(You can learn more about me here if you’re interested.)

About The Author

Christine Yount Jones

Author, wife, mother, grandmother, lover of God, student of the Word, fellow traveler in faith, and a broken child of God in need of His amazing grace.


  1. Jayne Harrison | 10th May 22

    Love it you are awesome 👌

  2. Kathryn Egly | 11th May 22

    Love it! Soo funny!

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