Dieting Ups and Downs

That image above reminds me of the broken dreams of my self-determination. And these journal posts from seven years ago reveal the emotional ride of a lifestyle that led to disappointment and failure. I’m here to tell you there’s a better way! As you read these posts…

He Only Delivers

Whatever you’re facing today, this week, this year…crying out to God is the only way to deliverance. Psalm 107:6 says “Then they cried out to the Lord in trouble; HE delivered them out of their distress.” Breaking down this psalm, it’s clear what I do–and…

Are You Diet Obsessed?

Somewhere along the way my first diet or second diet or even after that became my master. I’m not sure when it happened; I just know it did. I became obsessed with dieting. Even to the point that I wasn’t sure I could take communion because it was…