For more years than I care to count–more than 40, I have had a painful relationship with my body, diets, food, and faith.
I’ve struggled with this cross I have to bear, this stronghold, this thorn in my flesh. I’ve begged God to take it away, to give me victory, to heal me. I’ve seen it as a message from the enemy to make me less effective and to diminish my power. I’ve felt that if I could only lose the weight, I would be a good testimony for Christ. I would finally be the woman God wants me to be.
I was wrong.
My relationship with my body, diets, food, and faith is not some enemy to push away and resist. Rather, it’s a friend to welcome into my life. It’s a guest to be fully present with. It’s a lifelong tutor from God to lead me to Him.
Instead of wanting to once and for all get rid of this battle, I can now embrace it as the tutor that God has lovingly allowed in my life to teach me what it means to walk in His ways.
I awoke early this morning with these lyrics in my mind from the song “Step by Step.”
Oh God,
You are my God
And I will ever praise You
I will seek You in the morning
And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You’ll lead me
And I will follow You all of my days
“I will learn to walk in your ways.” That’s what my daily experience with body, food, diet, and faith is becoming. Not that I would lose weight. The truth is, God couldn’t care less about what size I wear or how much I weigh. I’ve tried to spiritualize that He does care for years to motivate myself to lose. I now believe that’s not what God’s heart is for me.
I am at a place where I can honestly say to my issues, “Welcome, friend. Sit with me and teach me. Whisper in my ear. Help me know God better!”
If you’ve struggled with the same issues and longed for true freedom–the freedom that only comes from Jesus, maybe my journey can help you. I know your pain. I know your tears. I know the attacks the enemy has assailed on you to make you feel worthless.
And I can honestly tell you that I know the freedom that only comes from a loving and amazing God who was always waiting in the wings for me to fall into His arms and find the freedom I’ve longed for all these years.
I’ll be blogging about what God has taught me in future posts. I’d love to hear your journey and learn from you as well!
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Renee | 8th Feb 17
I hear you, Chris. This has been my personal battle for the last 2 years. (Prior to that I chose not to care and let myself gain an unhealthy amount of weight and I finally decided to care. Now I care too much….And it rules my life in many ways) I have battled it much like you have said you have. I look forward to hearing the wisdom God has granted you in this process as you share in future blog posts. Thanks for writing. I want to see what God has shown you and in turn shows me. Renee
Christine Yount Jones | 9th Feb 17
Aw, Renee! You and me both–the battle. God has taken me on a wonderful journey toward freedom. Thanks for your interest and encouragement!
Sue Corbran | 9th Feb 17
I love that song – thanks for putting it back in my mind. I loved your post. I often wonder why it’s so hard to just let things go and let God. He knows my future, yet I seldom lean on Him as I face it.
I have struggled with weight issues over the years and although losing a few pounds here and there would be great, I’m learning to focus on being healthy. When they do my blood work and everything looks great – I need to celebrate that. Also I read in Lysa T’s book “Made to Crave” that the number on the bathroom scale is just a number. It doesn’t tell you your worth. You are valuable.
Anyway, I love reading your posts – thanks for sharing.
Christine Yount Jones | 9th Feb 17
Thanks, Sue! It’s always so good to hear from you!
Valerie Savoie | 19th Feb 17
Interesting that you invited me today. I just pleaded with God to take this cup from me, this thorn in my side, this crippling weight!
This thing called food has consumed me once again. Making me feel like a powerless failure! I try to understand that I am fearfully and wonderfully made! And then I wonder WHY ? WHY SO BIG, SO LONG!
Christine Yount Jones | 20th Feb 17
We’re in this together! God loves us so much and promises to fight the battle for us. I’m still discovering what this means. Know that you are loved and cherished and accepted–just as you are. And that God’s got this, sister!
Becky Collier | 19th Feb 17
I too have really been obsessed with my weight. Since my accident in Houston I really have not been able to walk far or workout. I feel trapped inside a body that does not represent me. I have always been a “Fixer and doer.” Well, not for the last 10 years . I have just tried to focus on being able to move and walk more. I have had 8 back surgeries, cauterization of nerves in my back and 2 neurostimulaters. I look forward to your book.
Christine Yount Jones | 20th Feb 17
God has an amazing promised land for us as we learn to see this issue through His eyes. I’m excited for both of us! You’ve had so much going on physically…and you are an amazing athlete! Love you and so thankful that we’re on this journey together!
Christina Holtzclaw | 23rd Apr 17
Chris, thanks so much – well said.