I have lived for over 40 years in the desert. The dry land of diets and weight-loss programs and tips and tactics and shame and binges and self-hate and deprivation. I have been obsessed with the latest diet fad. I have disdained my image in the mirror. I have lived with constant thoughts about me…my weight…my body…my size….what I ate….what I would eat….why I ate it…
I have been in bondage to these issues that have robbed me of the abundant life that Jesus promises me in John 10:10: The thief comes only to kill and steal and destroy. I have come that they might have life abundantly!
I have lived in the realm of the thief. My potential and purpose and freedom murdered. My joy stolen. My peace destroyed.
And yet I’ve heard God’s voice anew in the desert, calling from a quiet and gentle place. I’ve discovered God’s overwhelming love and kindness toward me. Something that the thief had obscured with lies.
And I’ve journeyed toward freedom–toward the Promised Land.
Surprisingly, this Promised Land isn’t weight loss. It’s wait gain. And it’s so much more than what I have sought for 40 years.
With selling our house, changing jobs, moving to a new city…and all the stress…
Ask Christian children, “Where does Jesus live in you?” and they will answer “in my…
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