“Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 KJV
The word for courage in this verse is Chazaq. It is a word frequently used to describe battle scenes. It’s used 12 times to describe Pharoah’s heart in Exodus.
Resolute. Focused. Attuned to any movement. Alert. Determined.
“Being of good courage” is being a warrior in my heart. Being resolute. But it’s impossible without being attached to God and walking by the Spirit.
“Be strong and God will strengthen my heart.”
Psalm 31:24
This is what it is to wait–to be a warrior in my heart, my destiny entwined with God, to trust, to be expectant.
I wait for God.
I’ve become familiar with waiting on God, and that’s a good thing! It…
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