This doesn’t always happen; I wish it did. But what I’m about to share with you is a rare moment. It happened in a time of journaling, praying, and listening to God. I wrote my prayer to God and then wrote what I heard in my spirit (in italics).
God, I want to hear Your voice.
Turn away, my beloved. Seek Me. I am all you need.
Longing. What do you long for? That will be your discovery.
I want freedom, God.
If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.
There is no freedom anywhere else.
God, help me!
There is no freedom anywhere else. Not in a diet. Not in a program. Nowhere but in the Son.
And I’ve spent 40 years believing that there was, chasing after the best diet that would free me. Crying out to God to help me keep the rules, help me have self-control, help me lose once for all.
I had it all wrong.
In Zechariah 4:6-7, God says this:
“Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord of Hosts. “What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel, you will become a plain, and he will bring forth the top stone with shouts of ‘grace, grace to it.’ ”
I love this! It’s only by God’s Spirit that I will overcome my mountain. Not by trying harder or by my sheer will. True victory will be spiritual. And God will get all the credit and glory!
When the people speak “grace, grace to it,” it’s actually them crying out to God to pour out His grace on it and bless it. This continues to show dependence even after victory.
The NIV Study Bible says the mountain probably included their “willingness to persevere.” That intrigues me. I get tired of trying. I lose focus. And the cycle continues.
I’m learning to stop trying in my own strength and to instead lean into God’s Spirit. When I do this, the freedom I find is the only freedom that will last. Amen to that!
Do we reap what we sow? I saw this on Facebook today and thought…hmmmm…
We must stop comparison to have hearts full of joy and gratitude. But comparison is…
Renee | 10th Mar 17
Please keep sharing. I am pondering these posts and wondering “What does this look like in real life situations?” So, I keep looking forward to what you share. I feel *this* is what God might have been promising me at the beginning of the new year that 2017 was going to be different. (I was hoping that I would finally break my plateau and finally move forward to losing the weight again…. But maybe I was wrong.) I still want to lose some more weight though. How do we “try” to lose weight but not obsess about it? Can that ever even happen? I don’t know. I will keep following… Thanks, Chris.
Christine Yount Jones | 11th Mar 17
Renee, thanks so much for being on this journey with me! I do believe that God will continue to reveal truth to us. And that God’s more committed to us figuring this out than we are. That excites me that what God is doing in me could be part of 2017 being different for you. Love you!
Kim Shurley | 12th Mar 17
Christine Yount Jones | 13th Mar 17
Thank you, Kim!